
2.2 Linear Functions

Tables give the values immediately, without calculation, but they may have to be very large to be useful. (Clearly the small table used in Example 2.1.1 is not large enough to be of real use in a business.)  Tables are still commonly used in some areas of business – for example, to find the payments required for loans such as mortgages. They are useful because the calculations are fairly complicated and a precise answer is required. Later chapters deal with such payments.  Normally we use spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel for this type of problem.

Graphs communicate an overall understanding of the way a function behaves. Complex functions are often referred to by graphs. The function values and equations may not be known in detail, and the general behavior of the function may be all that is required. In economics, for example, the major issue may be the direction (up or down) that changes in one variable (such as price) have on another variable (such as revenue).

The rest of this chapter examines a type of function often used in industry and finance: linear functions.

A function is linear if the graph of the function forms a straight line. You will get a straight-line graph if the only operations on the independent variable are as follows:

  1. The independent variable is multiplied by a constant. For example, S=1.4C; Or
  2. The independent variable is added to or subtracted from a constant. For example, y=x+4; Or
  3. A combination of 1 and 2 is used. For example, t=5+2n

All of the above would qualify as linear functions. Note that direct variation is a special case of linear function.

The following equations would result in non-linear functions:



Example 2.2.1

Take the cost of producing advertising posters as an example of applying a linear function. Suppose that the management of the print shop finds that producing the posters for local companies costs $80.00 for artwork and set-up, and an additional $0.11 for materials and labor for each poster printed.


The cost of production could be described by the (linear) equation



  • C is the cost of production and
  • x is the number of posters produced


Number Of
Posters Cost
100 $ 91.00 This table would be satisfactory
200 102.00 for costing orders to the printer
300 113.00 as long as orders were limited
400 124.00 to these sizes.
500 135.00
600 146.00
700 157.00
800 168.00
900 179.00
1,000 190 .00


To make a graph showing this function you should take as a horizontal axis the independent variable x (number of posters), and as a vertical axis the dependent variable C (cost). Both axes must be scaled so as to allow for the largest value of each variable (2,000 for x , $300 for C). Plotting the points from the table above, you get, by joining them, the graph illustrated below.

Graph with the line on it,
Figure 2.2.1 Graph of Cost (C) of Posters (x)

The values corresponding to a few points have been marked on the graph and dotted lines given to show how these points relate to the axes. Note that the graph is a straight line.

All linear functions are quite simple: only two points are necessary to establish the appearance of the function. An extra point serves as a check to see that the graph is correct.


Key Takeaways

Key fact about linear functions is the uniform rate of change, or slope of the line.


Also note that as the independent variable (number of posters) increases, the dependent variable (cost) increases at a steady rate ($0.11 per poster).

The key fact about linear functions is this uniform rate of change, which is called the slope of the line. If you revert to the generally used  and  for independent and dependent variables.


slope=riserun=change in ychange in x

= change in y per unit change of x

Rise over Run, expressed as a triangle
Figure 2.2.2 Rise over Run

The slope will always have the value of the coefficient (multiplier) of  if y is written as a function of x.




  • a and b are constants.
  • a is the y-intercept ( y-value at = 0).
  • b is the slope of the line.

Key Takeaway

When x changes by 1,  y will change by an amount b, which increases if the slope is positive and decreases if it is negative.

Example 2.2.2

As an example, suppose you have the following linear function:


Then the slope will have the value +2. Make a table of a few values and graph the function. Just substitute selected values of x to get values of y.

For example, if x=2:



x y
-2 -1
-1 1
0 3
4 11


Key Takeaways

  1. When x changes by 1, y changes by 2.
  2. When x changes by 4,  y changes by 2 × 4 = 8.
  3. Also a=3 is the value of y when x=0.




The graph would then appear as shown in Figure 2:

Graph of the function
Image 2.2.3: Graph of y = 3+ 2x


Knowledge Check 2.1

  1. For each of the following linear equations find the intercept and the slope.
    1. y=6+3x
    2. t=2n+4
    3. 5s=105r
  2. A machine that wraps boxes of candy requires 90 minutes to set up, then one-half minute per box to do the wrapping. Use T = total time required (in minutes) x = number of boxes to be wrapped.
    1. Complete the equation for T. Note the units used.
      Total time = set up time + wrapping time.T(min)=___×___minutesbox×xboxeswithout  units:T(min)=___×___minutesbox×xboxes
    2. Complete the table for the given x-values:
      x T
    3. Plot the points from your table on the graph and join them to form a line.
      Empty graph to draw line on
    4. Estimate the time to wrap 100 bags and check by calculating it with the function.

Solutions at the end of the chapter


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