Linear Economy and Take-Make-Waste Approach

As discussed in the Introduction, the linear production of goods model, also known as the linear economy or the “take-make-waste” model, is a traditional production and consumption model that is based on a linear process of extracting raw materials, transforming them into products, and then disposing of them at the end of their useful life. This model assumes unlimited availability of resources and neglects the environmental impacts of production and disposal.

The traditional linear economy follows the take-make-waste approach.


Please watch the following video (4:15) which tells the story of the plastic from “cradle to grave.”

As also explained in the story of the plastic, products in a linear economy are designed to have a limited lifespan, which leads to a continuous cycle of consumption and disposal. Raw materials are extracted from the earth, transformed into products through manufacturing processes, distributed to consumers, and eventually discarded as waste. This linear model is characterized by high levels of resource consumption, waste generation, and environmental degradation. In addition, it is often associated with social and economic problems, such as resource depletion, social inequality, and reduced economic competitiveness.

Examples of the take-make-waste model in the carpentry trade include:

  • Demolition of buildings or building components that have not reached the end of their lifespan
  • Use of non-renewable materials such as concrete and steel
  • Limited recycling which results in waste accumulation in landfills
  • Unsustainable design of buildings





Greening and Indigenizing the Carpentry Trade Copyright © by adamothomas; Inci Sariz Bilge; and Tyler Ballam. All Rights Reserved.

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