3.4 Exercise 4: Balanced asymmetry
xtine burrough and Michael Mandiberg
In this exercise the two circles create an asymmetric composition. The weight distribution between the four quadrants of the composition is not even, as most of the visual weight is felt in the upper left quadrant. The composition does remain balanced, as the negative space between the two circles activates the viewer’s attention and becomes part of the visual weight on the page. The white area is still the negative space; however, the white area between the two circles is within the path of the viewer’s eye movement from the top (larger) circle to the bottom (smaller) circle.
- Copy the second circle from the previous exercise and drag it into position in the third square.
Watch Out: Did your circle turn into an ellipse? Without holding the shift key, the circles transforms into ellipses. Be sure to release the mouse before releasing the shift key when drawing forms that are modified by SHFT.
- Make another copy of this circle and drag it to the lower right of the composition.
Results for square 3. Moving, sizing and duplicating circles. - Scale the circle down using SHFT with the Selection Tool.
Remember to save your files often!