
Time Management for Online Learning

13 Create a semester schedule

A semester schedule gives you a visual picture of the assignments, projects, tests, exams, presentations, and practicum requirements that will happen during the semester. If you are taking a number of classes, this is a tool to be able to see what is coming up next.

By having the “big picture” in view, you will be able to proactively manage busy periods in your semester.  If you have flexible due dates, you will be able to schedule your assignments for the optimal time in the semester.  For example, you may notice that you have a larger than typical number of major assignments due in week 6.  This allows you to schedule work on some of these projects earlier in the semester.

Look at the example semester schedule below.  What do you  notice about what the student chose to include?  What will you include on your semester schedule?  After viewing the example schedule below, download the semester schedule template to create your own schedule.  When you have completed your schedule, click the Next arrow to move ahead.

This is an example semester schedule for an online student. On the left, there is a row label for each week of the semester. Each columns represents one da of the week. In the boxes, the student has written key assignments, readings, and tests that will happen on that day. Additional life activities are also included in the schedule. This schedule shows the student the semester at a glance.
Image Credit: Rawia Inaim


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  • Online Semester@100x


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