
The menu bar is the main nagivational tool that you use when creating a textbook.

Explore the image on the left by clicking on the Icon used in the interactive H5P image icon beside the different menu options. To see a larger view, click on the expand image icon in the top right corner of the image. If you cannot see the image, written descriptions can be found at the bottom of this page.





























Related User Guides

Here are some other guides that walk you through this same process. Due to there being different instances of Pressbooks, their instructions may vary slightly.

If you can’t see the explorable H5P image, here are the different elements:


On a book’s Dashboard, various tools are listed in the left-hand column Dashboard menu, the parts and chapters of the book are in the middle, and users who have access to the book are shown in a Users box on the far right.

My Catalogue

The Pressbooks catalog is a public page that allows you to showcase the public works you have on Pressbooks. You can share the link to your catalog page to market or share your books in a visual way.


This action will take you to the Piwik Statistics page, which contains information about the webbook, such as the number of visitors that have looked it. See the Matomo Glossary for definitions of the metric terms used by this tool.


Clicking on Organize takes you to your book’s Organization page where you can add, change, and organize your chapters.


Takes you to the Organization page

Add Part / Chapter / Front Matter / Back Matter

Quickly add more content to your book, but you will need to organize it later.

More information on Parts and Chapters

More information on Front and Back Matter

Glossary Terms

Access and edit the list of glossary terms you have generated during your writing.


See all of the chapters that you have deleted in case you changed your mind and want to restore them.

Book Info

The Book Info page is where information is added or edited regarding your book, including book title, authors, editors, publisher, copyright owner/year/notice, licence type, descriptions of the book, keywords, and more. Much of the data entered on this page displays on the home page of the webbook and as part of the various exported file formats.

It is suggested that the author and/or publisher fills this page out as the book is being written and as information becomes available. This page can be updated as needed. For more information, see Book Info in the Pressbooks Userguide.


Manage the list of contributors to your book. Contributors are anyone who had a role in the creation of the book. In Pressbooks, contributor roles are assigned on the Book Info page and include the following: Author, Editor, Translator, Reviewer, Illustrator, and Contributor.


The Appearance tab is where you’ll make all the choices that affect how your book is designed. This includes choosing a base theme template for your book, which determines the display of fonts, headings, chapter titles, and other basic elements of a book.


Pressbooks offers many different themes for many different genres. You can see examples of the chapter title page for each theme on this page to get an idea of what the book you produce will look like.

Theme Options

While every theme is equipped with sensible defaults, you can customize the way that your book looks on any theme with additional Theme Options.

Custom Styles

For any customizations that you’d like to make that are not currently available as Theme Options, you may want to consider creating your own Custom Styles. Custom Styles are any CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) changes that you add to the base theme of your book.


This takes you to the Export page where you can export your textbook into various formats.

Cover Generator

You can use the cover generator to produce your ebook or PDF covers if you do not have another image you are planning on using.


This page offers a list of BUY links with various eBook stores and print-on-demand vendors. Add information about where your books will be sold (which will appear on the web version of your book if you use that for promotional purposes).


This page lists the three plugins that can be activated within the BCcampus Pressbooks instance. (See Plugin Features.)


The Media tab is where all media for a book—images, videos, audio—are uploaded. Click “Add New” to upload media content or click “Library” to see and manage media you have uploaded previously. Media in the Library can be embedded or linked to in the content of your book. (See Images and Files and Media Attributions.)

Add New

A shortcut to upload new images to your Media Library.


Here, you can view and edit who has access to your book, and what permissions they have. For more on this, see our Users and Collaborators chapter.

Add New

A shortcut to add a new person to the textbook.

Your Profile

Edit your Pressbooks profile information. This is also found my clicking on your username and profile picture on the right side of the topbar.


Here, you can view and edit who has access to your book, and what permissions they have. For more on this, see our Users and Collaborators chapter.

Add New

A shortcut to add a new person to the textbook.

Your Profile

Edit your Pressbooks profile information. This is also found my clicking on your username and profile picture on the right side of the topbar.


Here, you can view and edit who has access to your book, and what permissions they have. For more on this, see our Users and Collaborators chapter.

Add New

A shortcut to add a new person to the textbook.

Your Profile

Edit your Pressbooks profile information. This is also found my clicking on your username and profile picture on the right side of the topbar.

H5P Content

Here, you can view and edit who has access to your book, and what permissions they have. For more on this, see our Users and Collaborators chapter.

Add New

A shortcut to add a new person to the textbook.

Your Profile

Edit your Pressbooks profile information. This is also found my clicking on your username and profile picture on the right side of the topbar.

Collapse Menu

This button will make the menu take up less space by removing the text and only showing icons.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Publishing with Pressbooks: A Visual Guide Copyright © 2020 by Amanda Grey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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