Chapter 9: Emerging technologies
Purpose of the chapter
- To explore the educational potential and limitations of new or emerging technologies, in particular:
- social media
- simulations and games
- augmented and virtual reality
- artificial intelligence
What is covered in this chapter
- 9.1 Social media
- 9.2 Serious games and gamification
- 9.3 Virtual and augmented reality
- 9.4 Artificial intelligence
- 9.5 Emerging technologies: conclusion and summary
Also in this chapter you will find the following activities:
- Activity 9.1 Identifying the unique pedagogical characteristics of social media
- Activity 9.2 Using and designing serious games
- Activity 0.3 Using and designing VR and AR
- Activity 9.4 Assessing artificial intelligence
- Activity 9.5 Assessing and developing applications of emerging technologies
Key Takeaways
- learners now have powerful tools through social media for creating their own learning materials or for demonstrating their knowledge;
- students can now use social media to create their own online personal learning environments;
- teacher presence and guidance is still likely to be necessary to ensure high quality learning via social media;
- teachers need to find the middle ground between complete learner freedom and over-direction to enable learners to use social media to develop the key skills needed in a digital age.
- simulations, serious games, and augmented/virtual reality can improve student motivation and teach tasks that would be difficult otherwise;
- serious games, AR and VR, and AI have substantial costs involved in creating new applications, but have great potential as open educational resources;
- AI’s value as a medium for learning has been limited to date and there are serious ethical, privacy and transparency issues in the application of AI to teaching and learning that still need to be addressed;
- AI may have more potential for disruption outside the formal education system. If successful, commercial use of AI for teaching and learning could provide an existential challenge to public education