

When we initiated the Adaptation Learning Network in January 2019, we knew we needed input from climate adaptation experts, course developers, and instructors. We needed much more, including support from digital marketing and communications experts, network-building experts, software and video producers, web designers, project and financial managers, participation from stakeholders and rights-holders, including Indigenous people, the ALN Advisory, and the Royal Roads University leadership team.

We greatly appreciate the active involvement of our funders:

  • Natural Resources Canada (BRACE);   
  • BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, Climate Action Secretariat;
  • BC Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training.

These organizations were vital in mobilizing this work and supporting the evolution of the project. ALN began with the goal of building and operationalizing climate adaptation courses and a competency framework. It has grown and shifted over the last three years, becoming a more comprehensive capacity-building initiative and a catalyst for climate action.

Thank you to all 138 people acknowledged here, a list with proportions we never imagined! This list includes more than fifty people and organizations who performed work for ALN through services contracts, plus many others who provided extensive ‘in-kind’ contributions and expertise. As with any list, there are others whom we may have missed and who supported the project at arm’s length. We extend our thanks to them as well.

A special thanks to my colleague, Vivian Forssman, ALN Program Manager, who has efficiently and effectively managed details on all elements of this project over the past three years. I and the project owe Vivian a huge debt of gratitude for her efforts, which have ensured that the project has stayed on track with people, process and purpose aligned and that the ALN has engaged and sustained a robust and diverse network.

Another special thanks to my colleague Deborah Zornes, Director of Research Services at Royal Roads University, whose financial and administrative support has been second-to-none. It has been Deb, behind the scenes, making sure all fifty of those service contracts got papered up, and she has been a thorough partner in the details and timeliness of financial reporting to our funders.

A big thanks as well to Brigit Forssman, Program Coordinator and Digital Communications Lead. Brigit’s efforts to coordinate and support this complex and evolving project have been invaluable, as has her leadership in designing and delivering a successful and creative digital communications strategy.

We are deeply appreciative of everyone’s contribution to Adaptation Learning Network and our collective efforts in advancing climate adaptation capacity-building in Canada.

Dr. Robin Cox
Professor and Director, Resilience by Design Lab
Project Lead for Adaptation Learning Network
Royal Roads University
March 2022


ALN Advisory

Paul Nuttal

Hanaa Sheikh

Bev Windjack

Kathy Dunster

Jaqueline Lowe

Tara Culham

Christine Houghton

Harshan Radhakrishnan

Patricia Dehnel

Milton McClaren

Michelle Lamberson

Deborah Harford

Climate Adaptation Competency Framework

Lynn Sikorski

Susanna Neiderer

Carolyn Levy

Dennis Green

Brent Ross

Karen Chiang

Steven Forth

Kexin Feng

Challenge Dialogue

Keith Jones

Liese Coulter

Dena Kae Beno

Climate Adaptation Experts

Trevor Murdock

Richard Kinley

Beth Gibbons

Rachel Jacobson

Roger Street

Course Instructors

Stewart Cohen

Susan Todd

Roy Brooke

Todd Thexton

Joanna Ashworth

Melina Scholefield

Olive Dempsey

Tongli Wang

Joanne Taylor

Thomas Munson

Michele Patterson

Course Delivery

Zoe MacLeod

Calvin Roberts

Eden Jaycock

Many other support staff at participating BC universities

Course Development

Beth Cougler Blom

Erynne Gilpin

Janis Brooks

Shanti Besso

Michelle Zeng

Michelle Lamberson

Tusa Shea

Miranda Angus

Jo-Anne Clarke

Elizabeth Brimacombe

Course Development & Technical Support / Royal Roads University

Eric Bigrigg

Keith Webster

Cathy Pretorius

Tri Ningsih

Karyn Lemberg

Course Portfolio Planning

Michelle Macready

Kari Tyler

Digital Marketing, Communications and Web Design

Brigit Forssman

Denise Withers

Magaly Palacios

Tom Woodward

Zac Abelson

Carol Linnitt

Emma Gilchrist

Funding Partner / BC Climate Action Secretariat

Johanna Wolf

Dominique Sigg

Amanda Broad

Katie Olthuis

Tina Neale

Funding Partner / BC Ministry Advanced Education & Skills Training

Susan Burns

Funding Partner / Natural Resources Canada

Chris Jennings

Dominique Auger

Mary Anne Wilson

Indigenous Knowledge Contributors

Asma-na-hi Antoine

Russ Johnston

Snxakila (Clyde Talio)

Elijah Mecham

Coralee Miller

Hya-Quatcha (Chief Gordon Planes)

Wugadusk (David Isaac)

Leadership Support/ Royal Roads University

Philip Steenkamp

Pedro Mårquez

Deborah Zornes

Brigitte Harris

Susan Gee

Micro-credential Strategy & Operations

David Porter

Kirk Perris

Ross McKerlich

Open Educational Resources

Tannis Morgan

Krista Lambert

Mary Burgess

Podcast Guests

Amanda Coolidge

Tamsin Lyle

Lo Cheng

Tina Rossing

Stephanie Wood

Adam Dodd

Kristina Sokourenko

Kristine Schrage

Per Espen Stoknes

Kyla Milne

Robert LePage

Program Support

Vivian Forssman

Araz Hamian

Beverly Devries

Jenny Sigalet

Research Assistants

Holly Clermont

Jason Young

Austin Lang

Nigel Deans

Tonio Paquin

Jack Satzewich

Video and Graphic Design and Production

Blue Citrus

Natalina Percival

Alexandra Piros

weADAPT Web Hosting & Course Repository

Sukaina Bharwani

Julia Barrott

Ruth Butterfield

Webinar Guests

Mark Carney

Johanna Wagstaffe

Gavin Pitchford

Laniel Bateman

Matt Godsoe

Sgaan Kwahagang

Irwin DeVries

Avi Lewis

Deb Morrison

Ken Jeffery

Elizabeth Childs

Russ Johnston

Carla Lipsig-Mumme


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Adaptation Learning Network Final Report Copyright © 2022 by Dr. Robin Cox is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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