
Module 3: What can we do?

Welcome to Module 3. Here, we consider how planned adaptation to future climate change differs from adapting on the basis of past experience. Several adaptation cases from various communities in British Columbia are described. We will also consider the climate change information supply chain, and the role of practitioners within it. When you are ready, click on Module 3 Overview to get started.

Learning Objectives

This module will help you:

    • Understand global-scale climate change risks, and why they matter
    • Explore some tools that can enable practitioners to assess and plan for flood and wildfire risks
    • Consider examples of proactive adaptation being planned or implemented in British Columbia
    • Understand potential synergies and trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions

    Reading & Resources

    Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction A global, non-binding agreement followed by 187 countries that focuses on best practices for disaster risk reduction and resilience building.

    Emergency Management Act

    Climate preparedness and adaptation strategy

    BC Climate Risk Assessment (scheduled to be released in late 2020)

    Tools (these are technical resources, so just focus on the overall framing and application)

    IDF curves

    Fire Weather Index

    Adaptation examples in British Columbia

    Sea level rise guidance

    Qualicum Beach Waterfront Plan

    Vancouver Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

    Adaptation / Mitigation links

    IPCC 5th Assessment Report, Working Group II, Chapter 2 (focus on Section 2.5.1 – Assessing synergies and trade-offs with mitigation, including Figure 2-4)



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    Climate Change Adaptation Fundamentals Copyright © 2021 by Stewart Cohen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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