
Additional Readings

Document Quick Summary When to Read?
It's Our Time - AFN Tool Kit "A tool to bring together First Nations and non-First Nations people and foster a spirit of cooperation, understanding, and action". This document was written by the Assembly of First Nations and is a comprehensive document on many topics, like cultural competency, lifelong learning models, residential schools etc When looking to brought to speed on current practice and perspectives surrounding Indigenous Education in the classroom
TRC Calls to Action "redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation." A must-read to understand the historical context of the war against Indigeneity in Canada
Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science A practical textbook style document that confronts myths about the "irreconcilable differences" between Indigenous Science and Western Science, including tips and tricks for incorporating Indigenous knowledge into different contexts (on-reserve classrooms, Large public schools in the city, on-the land etc) If you're feeling unsure about when Indigenous science is appropriate to include in the science classroom setting. This doc also includes plenty of discussion points that would be very useful in Pro-D workshops
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples "Delineates and defines the individual and collective rights of Indigenous peoples, including their ownership rights to cultural and ceremonial expression, identity, language, employment, health, education and other issues." When looking to become familiar with the special rights that are held by Indigenous peoples worldwide and when looking to provide concrete and authoritative action on an institutional level. Pointing to high-profile and impactful documents like UNDRIP is a great way to encourage systematic change on an organizational level.
Understanding by Design "offers a framework for designing courses and content units called “Backward Design.”" Useful for developing all types of curriculum by first determining what results you'd like to achieve in the curriculum and working "backwards"
Aboriginal People (As a Social Problem) This course introduction gives a framing for the political history of Aboriginal people in Canada. It includes definitions of Status Indians, Non Status Indians, The Metis, and the Inuit and outlines a brief history of the relationship between Canada and Indigenous populations. Works well as an intro/brush-up on the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
Pulling Together: A Guide for Indigenizing of Post-Secondary Institutions "These guides are intended to support the systemic change occurring across post-secondary institutions through Indigenization, decolonization, and reconciliation. A guiding principle from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada process states why this change is happening." This guide is great for curriculum design as well as assignment ideas.
UBC Indigenous Peoples: Language Guidelines "Version 2.0 of this guide has been produced to help UBC communicators navigate the terminology and meanings associated with this subject in order to produce the best—and most respectful—results, with the recognition that, as time passes, the terminology is subject to change and this guide will need to be refreshed." This guide provides the current UBC language guidelines for Indigenous peoples in Canada. It also provides links to other sources that you may find helpful.
INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE, PERSPECTIVES, AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES IN THE ENGINEERING CURRICULUM, Marcia R. Friesen and Randy Herrmann This paper summarizes the University of Manitoba's approach to Indigenizing Engineering curriculum, through their engineering capstone, economy and design courses For brushing up on other engineering decolonization initiatives in Canada
Engineering Leadership Council Success Stories These three case studies focus on innovative infrastructure projects. Drawing attention to the Transmission Line Social Impact Case Study, it provides an overview of engagement and partnership with nine Indigenous communities. These case studies are useful to identify current practice when working with Indigenous communities on large-scale engineering projects.
Who's Land is it Anyways?: A Manual for Decolonization A collection of essays from Indigenous authors inspired by Arthur Manuel's 2016 speak tour. The diverse list of authors explore various topics around colonization, resistance and reconciliation. A perfect read for those who would like to get Indigenous perspectives of Canadian history, the ongoing impacts of colonialism and working towards reconciliation.
Indigenous Ally Toolkit A short colorful pamphlet on being an Indigenous ally. It has basic steps for self reflection, recommendations and helpful definitions and language tips. A very short introductory pamphlet for those new to the decolonization movement.
Indigenizing the Engineering Curriculum: Some of the Scenery Along the Way Article by Marcia Friesen for Manitoba Consulting Engineer magazine discussing U of Manitoba's efforts to Indigenize their engineering curriculum. Written from a settler perspective, it is a self-reflection of one's motives and personal accountability. This is a worthy article for those who have questioned how they can be part of the positive change without disrespecting or minimizing hundreds of years of inequity.
Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants Robin Wall Kimmerer's book beautifully describes and contrasts western science and her traditional ecological knowledge. This is an influential work that articulates the struggle Indigenous knowledge systems and their practitioners face in fields which disregard all but western knowledge systems. This book is a deep dive into Indigenous world views which place an emphasis on the relationship between people and the environment and her personal academic research experiences shed light on the dedication of Indigenous scholars who have persevered in western science institutions.
Indigenous Business Directory This portal is a public access directory of businesses that are owned and operated by Indigenous peoples in Canada. Users can refine their search with a variety of parameters such as location, company size and primary business activities. This directory would be very useful for connecting industry examples of decolonization to engineering assignments and course content.
Xwi7xwa Research Guides Xwi7xwa librarians continually evaluate books, article indexes, websites, and more to find reliable, authoritative information on relevant topics. Research Guides include search strategies for finding resources that are relevant to the multidisciplinary study of Indigenous topics and materials written from Indigenous perspectives. These research guides are broadly useful to better understanding Indigenous research methodologies, literature and history
Special Core Curriculum on Decolonization (Faculty only) This is a compilation of decolonization resources & training that are vital to read before implementing the special core curriculum. The special core curriculum is also included in the course. Please email Pamela at pamwolf@civil.ubc.ca to gain access to the course. Read through the materials if you are interested in incorporating decolonization frameworks into your course(s).
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation - Resources These are recommended reading for a variety of age levels compiled by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation at the University of Manitoba This resource list will be useful is you are looking for age-appropriate content for those interested in diving into the subject of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada.


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To the extent possible under law, Pamela Wolf, Ben Harris, Nika Martinussen has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Additional Readings, except where otherwise noted.

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