Book Title: Professional Business Practice
Subtitle: Essentials skills for success in the Canadian business environment

Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial
Book Information
Book Description
Professional Business Practice provides essentials skills for success in the Canadian business environment. Users will learn how to:
- Understand and capitalize on their professional skills and strengths
- Present themselves and their work in a professional manner
- Communicate clearly, efficiently and effectively to different audiences in a variety of contexts
- Create effective professional documents
- Participate actively in successful, productive teams
- Skilfully give and receive feedback
- Avoid and manage conflict
- Create and manage their professional brand
- Expand and capitalize on their professional network
- Practice critical thinking, reliable research, and information presentation skills
- Manage their time and stress using constructive methods and strategies
- Develop self-reliance, responsibility, adaptability, project management and problem-solving skills
Professional Business Practice Copyright © 2021 by Lucinda Atwood is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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