Book Title: NERDCAT
Subtitle: A Clinician's Guide to Appraising Randomized Controlled Trials, Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses

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Book Description: NERDCAT was designed to help clinicians make sense of clinical research and has two core components: (1)The NERDCAT appraisal checklists, which facilitate the systematic appraisal of clinical studies; and (2) detailed guidance on how to address the NERDCAT appraisal checklist questions, along with rationales, supporting empiric evidence where available, and examples.
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Book Description
Welcome to NERDCAT: A Clinician’s Guide to Appraising Randomized Controlled Trials and Systematic Reviews/Meta-Analyses. Led by Dr. Ricky Turgeon, NERDCAT was designed to help clinicians make sense of clinical research and has two core components: (1) The NERDCAT appraisal checklists, which facilitate the systematic appraisal of clinical studies; and (2) detailed guidance on how to address the NERDCAT appraisal checklist questions, along with rationales, supporting empiric evidence where available, and examples. While tools like CONSORT and PRISMA are aimed at researchers to facilitate adequate reporting of key details of their randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews, NERDCAT appraisal checklists are written “for clinicians, by clinicians” explicitly for the purpose of appraising clinical evidence and applying it to practice.
NERDCAT Copyright © 2022 by Ricky Turgeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Medical research