
30 Introduction


In this week’s lab, we will be covering three main groups, with several families in each. In some cases, you will be responsible for being able to identify the order, and in others the family of an insect you are shown. The lab should take you approximately three hours to complete. A short quiz will be available when you have finished the lab, so that you can review your understanding.

Early on in your text, you will find this figure. I will use it at the beginning of each of these labs, to show you the groups we will be covering, and their relationships.

This week, we will cover the Entognatha, the Apterygota, and the Paleoptera; there are several taxa in each, as you see.


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UNBC BIOL 322, Entomology Copyright © by Lisa Poirier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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