
Module 3: Helping our audience understand our message

Download a copy of the module 3 overview as a Word document.

Student instructions:

Welcome to Module 3! This module will take you three weeks and should be completed by <<date>>. In our last module, we learned how to meet an audience’s needs. Now, we’ll help our audience understand our message by writing genres effectively, organizing our work clearly and using charts, graphs and images.

BEFORE YOU BEGIN! Work with your pod to make your mind map for Module 2. Remember: the goal of the mind map is to help you deepen your learning by inviting you to make connections between different elements of the course. You should find connections between the 4 elements of the course (Brenda Knights narratives, readings, interactive lecture, activities/ assignments) and between Module #1 and Module #2.

Working in your group, think about what you learned and how those ideas are connected. Your mind map doesn’t have to include EVERY idea presented, just the ones that are meaningfully connected for your group.

When you’re done, submit your mindmap and move on to Module #3.

This short video will give you an overview of what we’ll be studying in this section.

<<insert module overview video>>

In this module:

  • We will learn how to be successful in different genres, like emails, memos and letters.
  • We will use the communication models we’ve learned to pick a medium.
  • We will think about how to organize our work so that our audience can find our most important points.
  • We will explore the role that images, charts and graphs can play in helping a reader understand information.
  • We will use the audience analysis and tone skills we’ve already acquired to give feedback.

Ready to get started? Let’s go! Click on Week 6 to get started!


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Resources for a business communications open online course Copyright © 2020 by Arley Cruthers; Melissa Ashman; John Grant; Seanna Takacs; and Petti Fong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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