
Using Video for Discussion Forums

Strategies: Creating a media recording for an assignment:

Submitting media to a forum activity

  1. Select the forum you are required submit a piece of media to.

2. Select [Add discussion topic]

3. Give your post a subject title and then select the [Embed Kaltura Media] icon in the editor.

4. Your MyMedia space will open. All your available media will be listed for you.  Beside the media you wish to share in the forum, select the [Embed] button.

5. A small bit of code called a shortcode will be inserted in your editor.  Leave that shortcode in place without any edits.  If you would like to include text with this post, put that text under the shortcode.  When you are ready to submit, select [Save Changes]

6. Your media will be embedded and posted to the forum.


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