
Week 3: Analyzing an audience

Download the week 3 lesson plan as a Word document.

Download the week 3 interactive lecture as PowerPoint slides.

Download the week 3 H5P interactive lecture by clicking the “reuse” button.

Download the week 3 interactive lecture as an audio recording.

Download the blog video with interactive H5P elements.

Download the blog video transcript as a Word document.

Download additional related resources.

An illustration of a piece of paper with writing on it and a pencilInstructor’s Note

This week’s interactive lecture begins with a story from the instructor. The goal of this story is to show vulnerability in order to invite students to share their own miscommunications. It also illustrates many of the concepts in the CMAPP model. You will likely want to swap this out with a story of your own.

Student Instructions

Welcome to Week 3! Last week, we reflected on your writing beliefs. This week, we’re going to learn some basic communication models and learn how to do audience analysis.

This week, you will:

  • Watch a short video introducing the module.
  • Read Chapter 3 of your textbook.
  • Go through the Interactive lecture. This one will explore audience analysis from the perspective of a miscommunication.
  • Keep doing Question of the Day.
  • Brainstorm ideas for your blog or Coronavirus archive project and help your classmates refine their ideas.
  • Bonus: use your new audience analysis skills to share something that will make your classmates happy.

Participation Activity

For this week’s participation activity, you’ll apply your audience analysis skills to your blog or Coronavirus Archive. Choose your best idea for a blog or Coronavirus archive and apply the CMAPP model to it. Write a few sentences for each step of the model. I’ll post an example in the forum.


I’m going to be creating a Coronavirus archive.

CONTEXT: The context of my project is that I’m creating a record of my time during Coronavirus for historians in the future. I suspect that they will know about what was happening in the news, so I can be valuable by sharing small moments of my life.

MESSAGE: I want to give them a peek into exactly what I was thinking, feeling and experiencing during this time. I will use descriptive words and try to make them feel like they’re right there with me.

AUDIENCE: My audience is historians of the future. My other audience is me, since I think that blogging will help me work through my feelings.

PURPOSE: My purpose is to capture my life during Coronavirus.

PRODUCT: I realize that by doing this activity, that pictures and videos will be as important as words. I am going to create a blog using WordPress so I can mix images and photos.

Instructions for signing up for a KPU Blog


Bonus Forum

Use your audience analysis skills to share something that will make your classmates happy. It could be an uplifting news story, a funny GIF, a photo, a poem: anything.

What is a Blog?

<<refer to H5P video at the top of this page>>

Additional resources you may find useful:

This resource is by Melissa Ashman and is licensed with a Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 International License.

This resource is by Melissa Ashman and is licensed with a Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 International License.

This resource is by John Grant and is licensed with a Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 International License.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Resources for a business communications open online course Copyright © 2020 by Arley Cruthers; Melissa Ashman; John Grant; Seanna Takacs; and Petti Fong is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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