
Chapter 5: Oxygen Therapy

5.5 Oxygen Therapy Systems

Critical Thinking Exercises: Questions, Answers, and Sources / References

  1. Explain the difference between low and high flow oxygen systems.

Answer: low flow systems (cannula, simple masks, face tents) High flow oxygen systems (venturi mask – to concentrate oxygen; non rebreather, partial rebreather; optiflow)

Sources: Perry, A., Potter, P., Ostendorf, W. (2017).  Clinical Skills and Techniques (9th ed.) Elsevier; Mosby.

Fisher & Paykel Health Care. (2018). Optiflow™ provides respiratory support via nasal cannula. Retrieved from https://www.fphcare.com/nz/hospital/adult-respiratory/optiflow/mechanisms-of-action/.


  1. The reservoir bag on a non rebreather mask and a partial rebreather mask must always be kept partially inflated. Why?

Answer: To prevent patient suffocation caused by high CO2 & inadequate oxygen

Source: Perry, A., Potter, P., Ostendorf, W. (2017).  Clinical Skills and Techniques (9th ed.) Elsevier; Mosby.

  1. Why are non-rebreather masks not available on general nursing units?

Answer: because of risk of suffocation, chance of hyper oxygenation possible lack of humidity; the nurse / patient ratios are too high to allow sufficient observation of the patient to ensure their safety

Source: Perry, A., Potter, P., Ostendorf, W. (2017).  Clinical Skills and Techniques (9th ed.) Elsevier; Mosby.

Sample Quiz Question
  1. As the home care nurse you often visit people receiving additional oxygen at home. Name 4 safety considerations to be included in your teaching. Answer:
  • No smoking. Post no smoking signs in your home
  • Keep at least 5 feet away from open flames (lit cigarettes, gas stoves, candles, lighted fireplaces)
  • Do not use flammable produces (grease, oils, aerosol sprays, petroleum based lubricants)
  • Store oxygen system away from open flammable items. Secure cylinders to prevent falling
  • Have fire extinguisher available
  • If using an oxygen concentrator:
    • Avoid using an extension cord
    • Store in an area that will allow proper air circulation and prevent overheating (not a closet)
    • Store 12-18 inches from drapes or walls

Source: MedPro Respiratory care.(2012)  Home oxygen safety.  http://www.medprorespiratory.com/home-oxygen-therapy-bc/home-oxygen-safety/


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