
Chapter 6: Non Parenteral Medication Administration

6.6 Administering Inhaled Medications

Critical Thinking Exercises: Questions, Answers, and Sources / References

  1. Your patient is receiving supplemental oxygen through nasal prongs, and needs to receive medication via a nebulizer. Please describe whether or not you would remove the nasal prongs and your reasoning for making this decision.

Answer: leave oxygen via prongs. Activate the nebulizers using compressed air. The patient can continue to receive oxygen via the nose while simultaneously breathing in their nebulizers.  

Source: Perry, A., Potter, P., & Ostendorf, W. (2017). Clinical skills and nursing techniques (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby.


2. Your patient complains that she can’t seem to breathe in at the same time as she depresses her inhaler. What action should you take in this situation to ensure that your patient receives the appropriate dose of her medication by inhaler?


Answer: Obtain a spacer. Spacers hold the dose in the chamber until the patient s ready to inhale and inspire the medication.  Another option would be to discuss this with the prescriber to determine if the patient’s disease could be managed with a dry powder inhaler (DPI) as these do not require the same level of dexterity as an MDI does.



Lilley, L. L., Rainforth Collins, S.,  Snyder, J. S., Collins, S., & Swart, B. (2016). Pharmacology for Canadian health care practice (3rd ed.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada..

Lung Association of Saskatchewan. (2018). Inhalershttps://sk.lung.ca/lung-diseases/inhalers.

Perry, A., Potter, P., & Ostendorf, W. (2017). Clinical skills and nursing techniques (9th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Mosby.


3. View the Lung Association of Saskatchewan resources and outline how you would explain use of a diskus to a patient.

Answer: open the discus; slide the lever; breath out; seal lips on mouthpiece; breathe in quickly and deeply; rinse mouth afterward.

Source: Lung Association of Saskatchewan (2015). Discus. https://sk.lung.ca/lung-diseases/inhalers/videos/diskus

Sample Quiz Question
  1. To reduce risk of oral candida associated with inhaled steroids the nurse should: (select all that apply)
Distractor Answer
a. Advise the client to use a spacer Correct. The use of a spacer directs the medication toward the airway reducing risk of oral candida.
b. Rinse mouth following administration Correct
c. Use the steroid after the bronchodilator incorrect. The question is asking about reducing risk of oral candida. Steroids are administered after bronchodilators to allow them to reach deeper into the lungs following bronchodilation


Lilley, L. L., Rainforth Collins, S.,  Snyder, J. S., Collins, S., & Swart, B. (2016). Pharmacology for Canadian health care practice (3rd ed.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada..


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