

Special thanks to those without whom this book would not have been possible.

Thank you to Glynda Rees Doyle, Jodie Anita McCutcheon and the team that put together the original text book Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care. The inclusion of critical thinking exercises for each chapter of that text was their idea. I simply built on their original work.

Thank you to the TRU  community who supported this work through a OER development grant including the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching, to the Open Learning colleagues who are experts in their craft and to administration who support the idea of open educational resources for students.

Thank you to my colleagues who have generously shared their time and talents in reviewing this text. Marcy Beauchamp RN, Candace Walker RN MN, Shari Caputo RN MN, Steve Ross RN MN,  and Dr. Wendy McKenzie RN EdD.

Thank you to my family for their support, encouragement, and patience in the journey of writing this resource, and the unanticipated additional hours and hours of work.

Thank you all of you have supported me to be the nurse that I am. To everyone who welcomes student learning, everyone involved in the delivery of health care and especially to patients and families who let us care for them while learning, thank you. You are supporting the education of future nurses – something important to all of us. I wouldn’t be the educator that I am without having worked and learned from all of you. Your generosity is appreciated, maybe, more than you know.


Book Cover Attribution: Unnamed by Rita E  is available in the Public Domain


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