
How to use this book

This Ancillary resource is intended to be used in conjunction with Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care – Thompson Rivers University Edition. It does not replace existing course materials in any health care program intended to support learning of many kinds of knowledge necessary for a competent health care practitioner.

This resource provides answers to the critical thinking exercises that accompany each chapter of the aforementioned text. Critical thinking exercises are in bold type. Answers are italicized. In some cases, learning activities and sample quiz questions are provided to support faculty in their teaching. References are provided.

The chapters in this text  intentionally coincide with chapters in Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care – Thompson Rivers University Edition to allow for easier cross referencing between the texts.

The critical thinking exercises that accompany each chapter of Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care – Thompson Rivers University Edition were developed with a BScN student in mind. Faculty can adapt the question(s) and / or expected answers based on the type of nursing program and level of student. The intention of asking critical thinking questions to students is to support them in their development as critical thinkers who are able to use information in a variety of contexts and ultimately apply it in their delivery of safe patient care.

Photographs and most diagrams (referred to as Figures)  in the text Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care – Thompson Rivers University Edition are open source and as such can be used by faculty in their development of learning materials. When copyright permission was needed for publication in the open source text, my team found only generosity from the owners of the information. Users are encouraged to  reach out to the owners of the copyrighted sources when necessary.

Faculty are encouraged to use these resources as a basis for their creative mind. I am confident that because you’re reading this book you are passionate about student learning and want students to become the best health care provider they can.


Note: For the sake of consistency, the term patient  and client is used interchangeably and  refers to any person who is being cared for in the health care context.


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