
Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care – Thompson Rivers University Edition Faculty Ancillary Resource was developed by Renée Anderson, Thompson Rivers University as a resource for faculty using Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care – Thompson Rivers University Edition.

Thanks must go to Glynda Rees Doyle & Anita McCutcheon, British Columbia Institute of Technology who were the authors of the original on line textbook Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care.  The original text is part of the B.C. Open Textbook project. The project began in 2012 with the goal of making post-secondary education in British Columbia more accessible by reducing student cost through the use of openly licensed textbooks.

Renée began adapting the Doyle and McCutcheon text for use in her own course at Thompson Rivers University. The project grew and was adapted in its entirety with the intended use in all of the TRU BScN lab theory courses.

Faculty using Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care – Thompson Rivers University Edition , will recognize that each chapter is accompanied by a number of critical thinking exercises. This Ancillary resource provides answers to the critical thinking exercises. Along with this, learning activities and sample quiz questions are provided to support faculty in their teaching and ultimately to support learners to becoming critically thinking safe nurses in practice.

If you are an instructor who is using this book for a course, please let Renée  know.


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