
Roman Gods and Heroes

33 Early Roman Heroes

One side of a coin. Jugate side-by-side profiles of Numa in front, bearded, and Ancus Marcius behind.
Numa Pompilius and Ancus Marcius, Roman denarius coin

Roman mythological heroes, distinct from Greek mythological heroes, came from Rome’s early history. They often represented important Roman values and the stories about them helped to create a particular Roman morality. Rather than being demigods (the children of one divine and one mortal parent), as the Greek heroes often were, Roman heroes were usually regular Romans who showed exemplary bravery, ingenuity, and loyalty. This is not to say that they were real people who actually lived (they likely were not), but they could have been. Some of the Roman stories are etiological myths for the creation and establishment of particular Roman customs, rituals, and institution, or explanations for how certain parts of the Roman state came to be.

  1. An epithet for Mars referring to his role in battlefield oaths and valour.
  2. Salii, from the Latin saltare, means "dancing priests."
  3. A prodigy in ancient Rome was an unusual occurrence that was interpreted as a sign that the gods were displeased. If someone witnessed a prodigy, they would seek out religious authorities, such as pontiffs, to consult with the gods and learn what needed to be done to appease them (to "expiate" or atone for the prodigy).
  4. The epithet Elicius refers to Jupiter's role in controlling rain and weather phenomena.
  5. Adoption was a common way of passing on one's family line and name in ancient Rome. For example, Augustus Caesar was adopted by Julius Caesar (see chapter 35).
  6. Civil servants who acted as bodyguards to Roman officials.
  7. Epithet for Jupiter meaning "preserver."
  8. A kind of toga garment worn as a symbol of status.
  9. A centuria was a unit of the Roman army made up on 100 people. This passage describes how Servius structured his army, and then created the Centuriate Assembly (a voting council during the Roman monarchy) based on after the centuria structure of his army.
  10. Because there were very few distinct names, Roman noblemen typically had a three-part name, or tria nomina. This was made up of a praenomen (a personal name, here "Lucius"), a nomen (designating ancestry and nobility, here "Tarquinius"), and a cognomen (an additional distinguishing name, sometimes based on a trait, here "Superbus"). Depending on context, an author may refer to an individual using one, two, or all three of their names, or using initials.
  11. The bodyguards of the Roman kings, from celer for "fast." See Livy, Ab Urbe Condita, 1.15.
  12. Women in ancient Rome rarely used the full tria nomina (see note above). Rather, they were often referred to using the feminine form of the nomen (here, "Tullia," the feminine form of Tullius, showing that she is descended from the line of Tullius). Women also sometimes used a cognomen, especially to distinguish between siblings. For example, the Tullia in this account is Tullia Minor, while her older sister is Tullia Major.
  13. An important outdoor assembly space.
  14. See note 10 above on the cognomen. Scaevola translates from Latin to "left-handed." The association between assassin figures and left-handedness, which gives them the tactical advantage of being unexpected and may also carry a sinister connotation, is not unique to the story of Mucius Scaevola. For comparison, see the Hebrew Bible story of Ehud in Judges 3:12-30.


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