
Roman Gods and Heroes

32 Roman Foundation Myths

One side of a coin. Small, child figures of Romulus and Remus under the belly of a she-wolf. Both children are down on one knee and reaching up towards the wolf's teats. The wolf stands with her head turned to look at the two children.
Romulus, Remus, and the Wolf, Roman coin, ca. 217 BCE (Classical Numismatic Group)

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  1. From the Latin ab origine, meaning "original people." Refers to the people of Latium who lived in Italy before the settling of Aeneas and the foundation of Rome.
  2. Jupiter Indiges was the name given to Aeneas upon his death and apotheosis. Note that this does not refer to Zeus/Jupiter.
  3. The process of "exposure" in ancient Greece and Rome was a fairly common method of getting rid of an undesired child (often a female child when a male child was wanted) by abandoning them out in nature.
  4. The Latin term lupa was both the term for a female wolf, and a derogatory name for a female sex worker.
  5. The Lupercalia was an important Roman fertility festival. For further description of the Lupercalia, see Ovid's Fasti, 2.15.
  6. An epithet for Pan meaning "wolf-Pan." The epithet Lycaeus was also sometimes used for Zeus.
  7. The Ara Maxima, near the Forum Boarium, is the oldest known site of worship of Hercules in Rome.
  8. Civil servants who acted as bodyguards to Roman officials.
  9. The epithet Equestris, meaning "of horses", refers to Neptune's role as the father of horses and patron of horse sports (horse racing and chariot racing).
  10. The epithet Feretrius refers to Jupiter's aspect as a guardian of oaths and contracts. The temple of Jupiter Feretrius is the oldest documented temple built in Rome, but no archaeological remains of it are known.
  11. Epithet for Jupiter meaning "preserver."
  12. A curia was a group of citizens that shared certain powers, such as the election of magistrates, and were viewed as a unit or clan for some legal purposes.
  13. Meaning "fast ones."


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