
The Trojan War

30 After the War

Odysseus stands on his ship, tied to the mast. Four crew members row, and one stands at the front of the ship acting as coxswain. Two sirens, large birds with the heads of young women, perch on cliffs on either side. Another siren dives down towards the ship.
Odysseus and the Sirens, red-figure stamnos, ca. 480 BCE (British Museum, London)

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  1. During the Iron Age, Greece formed colonies around the Mediterranean. Homer here appeals to the colonialist Greek mindset of the time.
  2. The Greeks typically mixed their wine with water to make it less strong, and drinking too much wine (especially undiluted wine) was often associated with foreigners, such as the Centaurs and Cyclopes.
  3. The concept of xenia, or hospitality, was highly valued and formalized in ancient Greece. Zeus was the patron of guests, ensuring that guests and hosts treated each other with respect. Here, Homer emphasizes the un-Greek nature of the Cyclopes, as Polyphemus rejects the important Greek value of xenia.
  4. For full context and book, see chapter 31
  5. Echetus, king of Epirus, is a figure mentioned a few times in Homer's Odyssey (but not in other sources). Homer describes him as violent and threatening, and Echetus is sometimes thought to be based on a folk tale for frightening children.
  6. For Odysseus' journey to the Underworld and encounter with Teiresias, in Book 11 of the Odyssey, see chapter 32.
  7. The Greek is ambiguous, allowing this to be interpreted either as "the dead are killing the living person" or "the living person is killing the dead."
  8. Indicates a gap or missing segment in the text.
  9. Dictynna ("Lady of nets") is an epithet for the maiden hunting goddess Britomartis, referring to a myth in which Britomartis jumps into the sea and is rescued by the nets of fishermen. Euripides here compares Artemis to Dictynna because Britomartis was closely associated with and shared many traits with Artemis.
  10. The ancient Greeks used the term "barbarian" to refer to non-Greeks in general.
  11. The "house of the golden lamb" refers to a myth in which Atreus promised to sacrifice his finest lamb to Artemis, but instead hid the lamb away and kept it. Thyestes, knowing about the hidden lamb, then tricked Atreus into agreeing to let the one who had a golden lamb become king. Thyestes stole the lamb and was made king, but Atreus later usurped him. See Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, E.2.10-E.2.11.
  12. Refers to the myth of Io. See chapter 6.
  13. See note 11.
  14. The Cyclopes were known for their building, and were credited in myth with having built the walls of Mycenae and Tiryns.
  15. The trial of Orestes is recounted in Aeschylus' Eumenides.
  16. "Pollution" here refers to the Greek concept of miasma, the idea that death defiles someone or makes them impure. For further explanation, see Mythology Unbound.
  17. The Areopagus ("Hill of Ares") is a hill in Athens that was the site of a court. See chapter 36.
  18. The oracle at Delphi traditionally sat on a tripod stool when giving prophecies.
  19. This refers to the myth of Alcyone and Ceyx, a couple who referred to each other as "Zeus" and "Hera." The gods punished them for pridefully using their names, and after their deaths, Ceyx and Alcyone were transformed into kingfishers. See Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, 1.7.4 and Ovid, Metamorphoses 11.410-748.
  20. An epithet for Artemis refering to her worship at Tauris. This epithet is sometimes also associated with bulls (taurus), but here Euripides uses the former etymology.
  21. Brauron was known for being a sacred city of Artemis.
  22. The Oracle of Apollo at Delphi sat on a tripod stool. See chapter 12.
  23. See Odyssey Book 3
  24. Rhesus is a king of Thrace in Homer's Iliad, Book 10. He was allied with Troy in the Trojan war. However, while he was on the way to Troy, Dolon (a spy working for Rhesus) betrayed Rhesus by telling the Achaeans about the fine horses of Thrace. Diomedes and Odysseus stole Rhesus' horses, and so Rhesus never actually fought in the war. Rhesus is here "betrayed by sleep" because Diomedes killed him in his sleep, and Dolon is "betrayed by guile" because Odysseus and Diomedes talked him into betraying Rhesus.
  25. The island of Samos was an important cult centre of Hera. Some of the oldest known archaeological evidence for the worship of Hera, including a temple to Hera, is from Samos.
  26. Jupiter's prophecy describes how Aeneas and his descendants will found Rome. For further discussion of Aeneas, Romulus, and the foundation of Rome, see chapter 32.
  27. null
  28. The Spartans were known for their athleticism, and Harpalyce of Thrace was a warrior woman and bandit known for her speed. These comparisons therefore suggest that Venus appeared in the form of a woman athlete.
  29. The ancient Romans worshipped a variety of deities in the household, often represented physically with statuettes and images. For further discussion of the gods of the Roman household, see chapter 40.


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