
Heroes and Anti-Heroes

22 The Amazons

An Amazon in a running pose. She wears a helm and armour, and hold a sword and a shield with the face of a gorgon on it.
An Amazon, red-figure kylix, ca. 500 BCE (Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich)

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  1. "Pollution" here refers to the Greek concept of miasma, the idea that death defiles someone or has the capacity to make surrounding people and places impure. For further explanation, see Mythology Unbound.
  2. For more on the historical Amazons, see the work of Adrienne Mayor, in particular her 2016 book "The Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World."
  3. The Ancient Greeks used "India" to refer generally to the people south-east of the Himalayas, or the peoples of the Indus River Valley.
  4. Amazon' can be translated as "breastless," but this is likely only a folk etymology, and not the true historical origin of the word. Nonetheless, some Greeks took this folk etymology to mean that the Amazons removed their right breast in order to more effectively draw back a bow.
  5. This epithet for Artemis may be a reference to her worship at Tauris, or to an association with bulls (taurus).
  6. For a detailed description of the scenes on the western metopes of the Parthenon see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metopes_of_the_Parthenon


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