
The Trojan War

29 The End of the War

Philoctetes, a bearded man holding a leaf-like wing on one hand, lies in a cave. Odysseus, in a pointed cap, and Neoptolemus, with wings, peer into the cave from the left. A large fragment is missing from the right-hand side of the disk.
Philoctetes, Odysseus, and Neoptolemus, clay lamp, 1st century CE (British Museum, London)

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  1. After their deaths, Castor and Pollux had to split their immortality between the two of them, and were thus each only half immortal. They were said to spend half their time on Mount Olympus, and half their time in the Underworld.
  2. "Purified" here refers to the Greek concept of miasma, the idea that death defiles someone or makes them impure. For further explanation, see Mythology Unbound.
  3. This passage refers to Laocoon's suspicion of the Trojan Horse. Laocoon was said to have tried to convince the Trojans to destroy the horse. Athena, favouring the Greeks, visited a series of punishments upon him (first blinding him, and then sending two large snakes to eat him and his children). An account of Laocoon can be found in Quintus of Smyrna's Posthomerica, 12. 418-538.


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