
Places of Myth

41 The Underworld

Persephone seated and Hades lounging holding a dish.
Persephone and Hades, red-figure kylix, ca. 430 BCE (British Museum, London)

  1. From the Greek thesmós ("law") and phorós (verb "to bear/carry")
  2. "the poet" refers to Homer (Odyssey 9:109)
  3. One of the symbols of Hymen was a lit torch, and torches were thus considered an important symbol for marriage.
  4. Refers to the myth of Persephone's abduction by Hades. See chapter 10.
  5. In the myth of Lethaea and Olenos, Lethaea claimed to be more beautiful than the goddesses and was punished by being turned to stone. Olenos chose to be punished alongside her. This myth does not appear anywhere other than in this passage of the Metamorphoses.
  6. The practise of pederasty, where an adult (man) had a romantic and sexual relationship with a (boy) child or teenager, was common in ancient Greece and Rome. For further discussion of this practice, see the myth of Ganymede in chapter 5.
  7. Trivia is an epithet for Diana from the Latin for the number 3. It refers to her aspect as a guardian of crossroads.
  8. In Roman worship, the order and type of sacrifice offered to gods reflected their role and importance. A black animal was typically sacrificed to a Cthonic deity (as to Night, here), female animals were usually sacrificed to female deities (as to Persephone, here), and the most important deity (here, Hades) often received the largest and last sacrifice.
  9. In Callimachus' "Hymn 2," Apollo passes by the river Amphrysus. Callimachus explains that this is the origin for the epithet "Amphrysian."
  10. Laodamia may refer to many different women in Greek myth. It likely here refers to the Laodamia who committed suicide after her husband was killed in the Trojan War.
  11. Book 12 of Ovid's Metamorphoses provides the most detailed account of the story of Caeneus. Caeneus, born Caenis (a feminine ending of the name), was raped by Poseidon, and then asked Poseidon to transform her into a man. Poseidon fulfilled this wish and gave Caeneus the additional gift of being invulnerable to weapons. For further discussion of the story of Caeneus and the concepts of gender and transgender in this myth, see:  Northrop, C. (2020). Caeneus and Heroic (Trans)Masculinity in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Arethusa 53(1), 25-41 and Power M., (2020) “Non-Binary and Intersex Visibility and Erasure in Roman Archaeology”, Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal 3(1). p.11.
  12. Anchises here foretells the founding of Rome. For further discussion of the descendants of Aeneas and foundation of Rome, see chapter 32.
  13. Refers to three of the labours of Heracles: catching the Cerynitian Hind, hunting the Erymanthian Boar, and killing the Lernean Hydra.


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