
Zeus and His Dysfunctional Family

10 Demeter and Persephone

Triptolemus, holding a staff in one hand and a bowl in the other, sits in a winged chariot. Persephone stands before him, pouring a libation into his bowl and holding a torch.
Triptolemus and Persephone, red-figure kylix, ca. 470 BCE (Louvre Museum, Paris)

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  1. "Undercutter" and "Woodcutter" are likely the names of some sort of demon. Evelyn-White suggests that they refer to the mythological worm thought to cause teething
  2. This passage refers to the Thesmophoria, a festival for Demeter. One of the stages of this ritual event was a fast.
  3. Though Hecate is a Greek goddess often associated with Demeter and Persephone, Fulgentius' claim that Persephone is Hecate is not entirely accurate as Hecate is a distinct goddess.


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