
Heroes and Anti-Heroes

19 Medea

Inside a frame of sun rays, Medea rides in a chariot drawn by two serpentine dragons.
Medea in her dragon chariot, red-figure krater, ca. 400 BCE (Cleveland Museum of Art)

  1. A "suppliant" (ἱκέτης) in ancient Greece had a more formal definition, such that if someone performed the gestures of supplication towards someone, they would be honour-bound to respect the suppliant's need.
  2. Sisyphus was famed for his trickery and for cheating death. He was also from Corinth, like Creon and Glauce.
  3. Adjective derived from the river Lethe, a river of the Underworld associated with forgetfulness and drowsiness.
  4. Refers to a fisherman, whose story is recounted in books 13 and 14 of Ovid's Metamorphoses


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