
Heroes and Anti-Heroes

21 Theseus

Theseus, nude and holding a sword, drags the minotaur by the horn out of the columns of the labyrinth. Athena, with helm, spear, and aegis, stands beside Theseus.
Athena, Theseus, and the Minotaur, red-figure kylix (Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Naples)

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  1. Indicates a gap or missing segment in the text
  2. Erectheus may refer to various figures in Athens' history: Erectheus I (also called Erichthonius), Erectheus II (a later king of Athens), or Poseidon, who was worshipped in Athens with the epithet Erectheus.
  3. The Centauromachy, the battle between the Lapiths and the centaurs at the wedding of Hippodamia and Pirithous, is a common theme in Greek art (such as on the famous West Pediment of the temple of Zeus and Olympia).
  4. Book 12 of Ovid's Metamorphoses provides the most detailed account of the story of Caeneus. Caeneus, born Caenis (a feminine ending of the name), was raped by Poseidon, and then asked Poseidon to transform her into a man. Poseidon fulfilled this wish and gave Caeneus the additional gift of being invulnerable to weapons. For further discussion of the story of Caeneus and the concepts of gender and transgender in this myth, see: Northrop, C. (2020). Caeneus and Heroic (Trans)Masculinity in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Arethusa 53(1), 25-41 and Power M., (2020) “Non-Binary and Intersex Visibility and Erasure in Roman Archaeology”, Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal 3(1). p.11.
  5. See footnote 1
  6. In some accounts (as here), the names of Hades (Aidoneus) and Persephone (Proserpina) are transposed onto mortal human characters to create a euheumerized version of the myth of the abduction of Persephone (see chapter 10). Cerberus, too, refers not to the three-headed dog of the Underworld, but rather to the king Aidoneus' normal dog.
  7. In the Late Republic and early Augustan period (when Ovid wrote), "severity" was an attribute equated with manliness and highly praised, often apparent in art.


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