
Heroes and Anti-Heroes

24 Atalanta

Two heroes in tunics with long hair, lunge at the boar with spears. The boar, bleeding from many wounds, flees. Three birds and three fish flock around the heroes.

Calydonian Boar Hunt, black-figure kylix, ca. 555 BCE (Louvre Museum, Paris)

  1. Atalanta's parentage varies between sources. Her father is variously given as Iasius, Iasion, Schoeneus, and Maenalus.
  2. The process of "exposure" in ancient Greece was a fairly common method of getting rid of an undesired child (often a female child when a male child was wanted) by abandoning them out in nature.
  3. See Homer, Odyssey Book 9
  4. A "suppliant" (αἰδώς) in ancient Greece had a more formal definition, such that if someone performed the gestures of supplication towards someone, they would be honour-bound to respect the suppliant's need.
  5. Refers to Minos' demand that Athens pay a tribute of young people to sacrifice to the Minotaur. See chapter 22.
  6. Book 12 of Ovid's Metamorphoses provides the most detailed account of the story of Caeneus. Caeneus, born Caenis (a feminine ending of the name), was raped by Poseidon, and then asked Poseidon to transform her into a man. Poseidon fulfilled this wish and gave Caeneus the additional gift of being invulnerable to weapons. For further discussion of the story of Caeneus and the concepts of gender and transgender in this myth, see:  Northrop, C. (2020). Caeneus and Heroic (Trans)Masculinity in Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Arethusa 53(1), 25-41 and Power M., (2020) “Non-Binary and Intersex Visibility and Erasure in Roman Archaeology”, Theoretical Roman Archaeology Journal 3(1). p.11.
  7. Indicates a gap or missing segment in the text
  8. A cubit is about 46cm, so the stake is around 138cm tall
  9. A Roman epithet for Jupiter referring to his power to grant success and victories (often in a military context).


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