
Tricksters and Rebels

15 Dionysus

Dionysus sits on a small sailing boat, vines spiraling up around the mast. Dolphins swim around the boat.
Dionysus sailing to Naxos, black-figure kylix, ca. 530 BCE (Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Munich)

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  1. Indicates a gap or missing segment in the text.
  2. The exclamation "evoe" is associated with ecstatic worship of Dionysus, and with being in a Bacchic frenzy.
  3. Refers to a myth in which Cadmus plants the teeth of a dragon in the ground. Five grown men (including Echion), called spartoi, are born from the earth where he sowed the teeth.
  4. Because part of the story is missing, the details are unclear. Most translations agree that Zeus made a model of Dionysus to give over to Hera so that the real one would be unharmed. Bohn suggests that the "thigh" story emerged because of the similarity between the Greek words for "thigh" and "hostage".
  5. The "land of beautiful horses" likely refers to Cappadocia, a region in what is now eastern Turkey. Dionysus has travelled west from Cappadocia and Lydia (around the north coast of the Aegean) and down to Thebes.
  6. The name Iacchus usually refers to a minor god worshipped by cults of Demeter, but (as in this case) is sometimes used as a synonym for Bacchus because of the similarity of the names.


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