
Zeus and His Dysfunctional Family

13 Artemis

Apollo, draped in a himation and wearing a crown, stands holding a sceptre. In front of him stands Artemis, similarly dressed with a cap and holding a bow. Beside the two of them stands a small spotted deer.
Apollo and Artemis, red-figure skyphos, ca. 470 BCE (Louvre Museum, Paris)

Media Attributions

  1. Hylaeus and Rhoecus attempted to rape Atalanta, but she killed them with her bow on Mount Maenalus.
  2. Proetus' daughters (Lysippe, Iphinoe, and Iphianassa) were cursed by either Hera or Dionysus to believe that they were cows and roam the hills. The healer Melampus cured them at a shrine of Artemis.
  3. Athena is often credited with inventing the aulos flute, which was traditionally made from the bones of deer.
  4. [cw: sexual assault] Refers to an incident recounted by Nonnus, in which Artemis punishes Aura for questioning her virginity. Nemesis, Artemis, and Eros then compel Dionysus to rape Aura.


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