
Creation and Destruction

3 Flood Myths

Clay tablet with cuneiform inscriptions in four visible columns. The entire top left corner, and most of the bottom-right-hand column are missing.
Atrahasis III tablet from Sippar, clay tablet, 17th century BCE (British Museum, London)

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  1. The literary work of Atrahasis was widely distributed, so far seven manuscripts from the Old Babylonian period, two from the second half of the second millennium B.C., a dozen of the following millennium, and even some fragments from a later period are preserved of this text . Nevertheless, regarding the reconstruction of this story, it has to admitted that the Old Babylonian and the Neo-Assyrian fragments have played a key role in this process, especially the Old Babylonian tablets as they contain the oldest and most extensive manuscript of this literary work. Despite this, the fragments of the Old Babylonian period have not been fully deciphered yet, only 700 lines of the 1245 that conform this manuscript. Hence, the importance of the rest of the fragments as complementary pieces that serve to fill in the gaps of the Old Babylonian version in order to obtain the most complete version of the work possible.
  2. The name "Ut-Napishtim" is derived from the word napištum, meaning "life" or "good health," in reference to Ut-Napishtim having achieved eternal life.
  3. Indicates an unreadable or broken section of the tablet. Cuneiform tablets often have many gaps due to broken segments and wear. This is typically shown with a gap in the translation itself, and the distance of the gap in the translation often roughly corresponds with the amount of the line that is unreadable. Translators may attempt to reconstruct what may be missing based on partially visible signs, or by comparing other tablets that recount the same myth. This translation, for example, was created using many fragments of the Gilgamesh flood narrative. For further reading and an illustration of how fragmented tablets may be combined, see Andrew George's transliterated "score" of the SBV.
  4. The chief god of the heavens. For further reading, see ORACC.
  5. The god of kingship. Unlike the Greek deities, the hierarchy of gods in Mesopotamia was fluid across location and time. In some traditions, therefore, Enlil is praised before Anu (see note 1) while in later traditions (as the city of Babylon rose to power), Marduk (the patron god of Babylon) became the head of the pantheon. For further reading, see ORACC.
  6. A god variously associated with warriors, fertility, and agriculture. For further reading, see: Jones, L, "Ninurta," Encyclopedia of Religions, 2nd edition (Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA, 2005.)
  7. Because of the major significance of irrigation ditches for agriculture in Mesopotamia, the divine role of "canal-digger" or "master of canals" appears on multiple occasions in Akkadian literature, and has an important link to fertility and land.
  8. The god of the Apsu (see note below) and freshwater. He is also associated with trickery, wisdom, and magic. In this version of the flood myth, and in Atrahasis, he is presented as a helper to humans (similar to Prometheus). Many texts (such as in Atrahasis, above) also refer to Ea as "Enki." Both are names for the same deity, "Enki" being the earlier Sumerian name, while "Ea" is his later Akkadian name. For further reading, see ORACC.
  9. Ea is not supposed to reveal the plans for the flood to humans, but finds a loophole in Anu's orders by pretending to be speaking only to the wall of the house and not to a person. The "reed wall" line has become one of the most famous lines of the epic.
  10. The Abzu in Mesopotamian myth is an underground freshwater spring or ocean. It is the domain of the god Ea.
  11. The god of the sun and justice. For further reading, see ORACC.
  12. The god of storms and rain. For further reading, see ORACC.
  13. Attendants of Adad
  14. I.e. Irragal untied the boat
  15. Anunnaki (or Igigi) is a collective term to refer to the gods of the heavens. It is particularly used to distinguish the gods of the heavens (or Anu's retinue) from Cthonic or Netherworld deities.
  16. A goddess of sex, fertility, love, and war. Often connected to Aphrodite (see chapter 4). For further reading, see ORACC.
  17. This title refers to the goddess Ninmah/Nintur, a goddess associated with child birth and the creation of humans. For further reading, see ORACC.
  18. Compare Genesis 7:6-12
  19. Because there were no humans remaining to offer sacrifices (which sustain the gods), the gods were starving and are drawn to this sacrifice.
  20. A god associated with plagues and wars. For further reading, see ORACC.
  21. The name Atra-hasis means “of much wisdom.” It is here used as an epithet for Ut-napishtim, who is sometimes equated with the character of Atrahasis from Atrahasis. See section "Atrahasis."
  22. There is broad scholarly consensus that the book of Genesis was composed by many authors and editors from different contexts and periods. The most well-known model is J.H. Wellhausen's "Documentary Hypothesis", which proposes that four different sources were combined to form the Pentateuch, though there are many newer hypotheses that build on and complicated Wellhausen's view. For a brief introduction to the Documentary Hypothesis, see: Tigay, Jeffrey H. Documentary Hypothesis, Empirical Models and Holistic Interpretation.
  23. This passage uses two different Hebrew names for God: Elohim, and the Tetragrammaton. In this translation, the term "God" is used for the Hebrew Elohim, while the term "the LORD" is used in instances where the Tetragrammaton occurs. 
  24. A cubit is around 46cm, so the water rose approximately 690cm.
  25. The Genesis flood famously inspired a rise in tourists and pseudo-archaeologists seeking to find the landing place of the arc. Christian tradition names Mount Ararat as the landing site, while some say that it landed at the Durupinar Site (on a neighbouring mountain), where an impression and large "anchor stones" were found. However, there is no known historical, scientific, or archaeological evidence for Noah's arc or the site of his landing.


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