
About the Learning Hub

Several years ago, under the direction of Dr. Stefan Grzybowski, research staff and undergraduate students at the Rural Health Services Research Network of BC (RHSRNbc) started writing a series on the impacts of climate change and ecosystem disruption on rural BC and healthcare provision to fill an existing gap in the scholarship. In parallel with this process, in 2021, the team undertook a Co-RIG Phase II grant facilitated by the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine and the Canadian Medical Association to explore how lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic could be translated to build resilience in rural communities to climate change. This qualitative exploratory study titled Climate Change and Ecosystem Disruption Adaptation Responses in Rural Canada (CCEDAR) collected stories of resilience from rural physicians and community members through the first years of the pandemic and identified markers of resilient responses that could be translated to the challenges posed by climate change. Last year it was decided that these chapters, in combination with research and findings from the CCEDARR project, would form the basis for a learning hub. New chapters were written, the Frontlines were created, and contributor videos were imbedded to create a rural BC climate resilience learning hub titled Building Resilient Rural Communities: Responding to Climate Change and Ecosystem Disruption.

Listen to Dr. Grzybowski and Alex Bland, CCEDARR Research Coordinator, discuss this resource:


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To the extent possible under law, Centre for Rural Health Research and Rural Health Services Research Network of BC have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to About the Learning Hub, except where otherwise noted.

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