Chapter 1: Assessing the Impact of Climate Change in Rural Canada

The realities of climate change are upon us. The increasing severity, frequency, and duration of climate crises have demonstrated a need for a much greater focus on adaptation and resilience-building strategies. Assessing the impact of ecosystem disruption on BC, particularly rural communities, contextualizes these challenges and creates a foundation for the pathway forward.
Summary Infographic
Arlin Cherian1, Urvee Karve1, Diane Kim1, Sila Rogan1,2, Evonne Tran1, Kate Feldman2, Alex Bland2, Dr. Stefan Grzybowski1,2
1 Rural Health Services Research Network of BC, Department of Family Practice, University of British Columbia
2 Centre for Rural Health Research, Department of Family Practice, University of British Columbia
RHSRNbc is funded by the Rural Coordination Centre of BC.