

My interest in psychology dates back to my memorable experiences in undergraduate classes taught by Florence Denmark, Edward Gavurin and Vincent Fiscielli at Hunter College, City University of New York. This interest was nurtured in the stimulating and inspirational classes and office conversations held during my graduate studies with Jeffrey Landau and Coleman Paul at Adelphi University. I owe thanks to Provost Larry Robinson at Seton Hall University for granting me a sabbatical year to work on Psychology: The Science of Human Potential. Rajiv Jhangiani, a member of the psychology department at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in British Columbia and internationally-recognized advocate for open education, along with his student assistant, Lana Radomsky, and Josie Gray, Coordinator of Collection Quality, BCcampus Open Education, assisted me in the open source publication process. My Teaching Assistant, Monica Starbinski, thoughtfully and skillfully developed the self-testing exercises at the end of each chapter.  In addition to providing her usual encouragement and support as my wife and soul mate, Fran added muse and editor to her forever expanding job description.


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Psychology Copyright © by Jeffrey C. Levy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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