
Chapter 7 – Climate Change

Climate Change from EGBC


Excerpts from:  https://www.egbc.ca/Practice-Resources/Programs-Resources/Climate-Sustainability

Climate & Sustainability


Engineers and Geoscientists BC is committed to providing registrants with support in incorporating a consideration of climate change into their practice. We have undertaken several initiatives to explore the impact of climate change on professional engineering and geoscience practice.

Registrants, through the Climate Change Advisory Group, advise Council on these matters on an ongoing basis.

Climate Change Advisory Group

The Climate Change Advisory Group is responsible for advising Council on matters related to climate change and adaptation. This includes recommending appropriate policy development, providing input into practice guideline development and revision, and recommending appropriate responses to requests for regulatory support.

Climate Change Action Plan

The Climate Change Advisory Group developed a Climate Change Action Plan that gives Engineers and Geoscientists BC an appropriate and methodical approach to addressing climate change issues related to the practice of professional engineering and geoscience.

This plan provides a framework for how Engineers and Geoscientists BC can better support its registrants in their professional practice and allow Engineers and Geoscientists BC to respond to climate change issues proactively rather than reactively. The “What We Heard Report” summarizes the feedback we heard from registrants on the development of the Climate Change Action Plan.

Position Statements

2017 Climate Change Awareness Survey Findings

The 2017 Climate Change Survey was developed by Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Climate Change Advisory Group to better assess how the organization can support registrants to consider the impact their work has on the climate, as well as the impact of climate on their professional activities.



Sustainability is the concept of employing our physical, natural, and social resources to meet our needs and aspirations without compromising the well-being of future generations and the global ecosystem. Since the early 1990s, Engineers and Geoscientists BC has consistently supported and encouraged its registrants to adapt sustainable principles within the practice of professional engineering and geoscience.

Here is the link to the sustainability guidelines, retrieved March 2022


Climate Change Implication in BC Projects

Two major modelings that have been used in BC projects are

Plan2adapt: https://services.pacificclimate.org/plan2adapt/app/

IDF-CC : https://www.idf-cc-uwo.ca/

Climate change will cause the sea level rise (SLR) which is expected to impact the BC communities. Therefore, some flood hazard modelings have been performed to understand the effect of the SLR in Metro Vancouver:





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To the extent possible under law, Jennifer Kirkey has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Engineering and Technology in Society - Canada, except where otherwise noted.

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