
Chapter 8 – Current Technology and Emergent Issues

Electric cars and autonomous cars

Electric vehicles

EVs may or may not be the wave of the future, but the challenge is the infrastructure to support electric chargers.  BC Hydro has many resources on this topic.




Autonomous Vehicles

These are vehicles that is capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input.   The design purpose is to

a) increase safety

b) reduce traffic congestion

c) eliminate the need for insurance

d) reduce infrastructure cost

e) increase mobility

f) reduce fuel consumption


From wikipedia autonomous car


History.   Experiments started in 1920, with a semi-autonomous vehicle being produced in 1977 from Japan’s Tsubkuba Mechanical.  1980 at Carnegie.






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To the extent possible under law, Jennifer Kirkey has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Engineering and Technology in Society - Canada, except where otherwise noted.

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