
Chapter 1 – Engineering

Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC)

Who are they and what do they do?  https://www.egbc.ca/

Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia is the business name of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of the Province of British Columbia. Engineers and Geoscientists BC regulates and governs these professions under the authority of the Engineers and Geoscientists Act.

The association is charged with protecting the public interest by setting and maintaining high academic, experience, and professional practice standards for over 37,000 members. Individuals licensed by Engineers and Geoscientists BC are the only persons permitted by law to undertake and assume responsibility for engineering and geoscience projects in BC.

There are a not-for-profit organization governed by a council of elected members, licensees and government appointees. Council is accountable to the public through the Ministry of the Attorney General, under the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance, for both the governance and management of the association.

If you are interested in programs for members: https://www.egbc.ca/Member-Programs

If you want practice resources: https://www.egbc.ca/Practice-Resources 

If you are interested in complaints and discipline:  https://www.egbc.ca/Complaints-Discipline

If you want to know more about them:  https://www.egbc.ca/About

If you want to become a member: https://www.egbc.ca/Become-a-Member


Engineering Students – keep documenting your work experience in case you want to register as a Professional Engineer

Work you have done during your summer work terms or coop work terms might count towards your experience.




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To the extent possible under law, Jennifer Kirkey has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Engineering and Technology in Society - Canada, except where otherwise noted.

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