
Chapter 10 – Becoming a Professional Engineer in British Columbia

Key Competencies



34 Competencies

The Engineers and Geoscientists BC Competency Experience Reporting System is now competencyassessment.ca.


You can find the list of all 34 key competencies here



2.1 Oral


3.3 Manage expectations in light of available resources

Course exercise:  Design an object with design constraints such as

a) only donated materials, a budget of zero dollars

b) Maximum weight of the final project


4 – Team Effectiveness

4.1 – Work respectfully

Course exercise:  groups were assigned randomly in the team research design project


6 – Safeguards

Course Exercise:   Sea Level Change assignment.



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To the extent possible under law, Jennifer Kirkey has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Engineering and Technology in Society - Canada, except where otherwise noted.

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