Licensing Information

Laboratory Manual for Introduction to Physical Geography, Second British Columbia Edition by Saoirse MacKinnon, Chani Welch, Katie Burles, Crystal Huscroft, Nina Hewitt, Gillian Krezoski, Andrew Perkins, Leonard Tang, Terence Day, Craig Nichol, Todd Redding, Allison Lutz, Ian Saunders, and Fes de Scally is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.


You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

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  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
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  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Cover Photo

The cover photo is of Horseshoe Glacier by Katie Burles and licensed under a CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license.

Images Used with Other Permissions

This text uses many images that are not covered by the CC BY-NC-SA license. Some are included under specific licenses, and others with permission from the author. Do not use these images unless permission is granted by the author or you meet the conditions of their licenses.

Government of Canada Terms and Conditions

Lab 03: Atmospheric Structure and Pressure Conditions

Figure 3.2 Surface Analysis Map © Environment Canada

Lab 04: Weather Forecasting

Figure 4.1 Surface Analysis Map © Environment Canada

Lab 10: BC Soils and Relationships to Vegetation and Climate

Figure 10.3 Left Gleysol © Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Figure 10.10 Soil pit in an organic soil from BC © Soil Classification Working Group

Figure 10.11 Podzolic soil from Quebec on sandy parent materials © Soil Classification Working Group

Lab 14: Map Skills I

Figure 14.1. NTS 1:50,000 map sheet 82E14 (Kelowna) 4th edition © Natural Resources Canada

Figure 14.5 Scale from NTS 1:50,000 map sheet 82N05 (Glacier) 3rd edition © Natural Resources Canada

Figure 14.9 Grid Zone Designation from NTS 1:50,000 map sheet 82E14 (Kelowna) 4th edition © Natural Resources Canada

Lab 15: Map Skills II

Figure 15.4a. NTS 1:50,000 map sheet 92B06 (Victoria) 6th edition © Natural Resources Canada

Figure 15.4b NTS map sheet 01N10 St. John’s, NL, 8th edition © Natural Resources Canada

Figure 15.5. NTS 1:50,000 map sheet 82N05 (Glacier) 3rd edition © Natural Resources Canada

Figure 15.6a. NTS 1:50,000 map sheet 82E14 (Kelowna) 4th edition © Natural Resources Canada

Figure 15.6b. NTS 1:50,000 map sheet 92H01 (Ashnola River) 2nd edition © Natural Resources Canada

Figure 135.9. NTS 1:50,000 map sheet 82N05 (Glacier) 3rd edition © Natural Resources Canada

Lab 17: BC’s Geology and Geologic Structures

Figure 17.8. Banff East Cross Section: Map 1294A/1295A © Geological Survey of Canada

United States Department of Agriculture

These images are used in accordance with the USDA Digital Rights and Copyright Policy

Lab 11: Environmental Controls on Biogeography

Figure 11.6 Quercus bicolor © U.S. Department of Agriculture

Figure 11.8 Quercus chrysolepis © U.S. Department of Agriculture

Figure 11.11 Quercus garryana © U.S. Department of Agriculture

Figure 11.13 Quercus laurifolia © U.S. Department of Agriculture

Figure 11.15 Quercus macrocarpa © U.S. Department of Agriculture

Figure 11.17 Quercus phellos © U.S. Department of Agriculture

Figure 11.19 Quercus rubra © U.S. Department of Agriculture

Figure 11.21 Quercus virginiana © U.S. Department of Agriculture

Google Earth and Google Maps

The following screen captures from Google Earth and Google Maps are used in accordance with Google’s guidelines.

Lab 10: BC Soils and Relationships to Vegetation and Climate

Figure 10.4a Soils of BC Instructional Tour © Google

Figure 10.4b Soils of BC Instructional Tour © Google

Figure 10.5 Soils of BC Instructional Tour © Google

Figure 10.12 Google Earth Web Tour at Site #4 © Google

Lab 15: Map Skills II

Figure 15.10. Google Earth topographic profile near Glacier, BC, Canada © Google

Lab 16: Measuring and Analyzing Slope

Figure 16.9 Example EX1.6 Google Earth Horizontal distance measurement © Google

Figure 16.10 Example EX2.1. Google My Map screenshot of black diamond ski run © Google

Lab 21: Fluvial Geomorphology and Landforms

Figure 21.3 Google Earth screen capture © Google

Lab 22: Alpine Glacial Processes

Figure 22.1 Sample Figure EX1.1 © Google

Figure 22.3 Sample Figure EX1.3 © Google

Figure 22.4 Sample Figure EX1.4 © Google

Figure 22.5 Sample Figure EX2.2 © Google

Figure 22.6 Sample Figure EX2.3 © Google

Figure 22.8 Sample Figure EX2.5 © Google

Lab 23: Coastal Geomorphology

23.5 Google Earth Image of James Island © Google

23.6 Google Earth Image of Coastal Landforms Near Tofino © Google

Climate BC Map (Lab 10: BC Soils)

Screen captures from Climate BC Map are used with permission from Tongli Wang:

Figure 10.6 Climate BC Website © University of British Columbia

Figure 10.7 Climate BC Website © University of British Columbia

Figure 10.8 Climate BC Website © University of British Columbia

Figure 10.9 Climate BC Website © University of British Columbia


The copyright for iMapBC content is held by the Province of British Columbia with all rights reserved. For this project, permission was granted by the Province of British Columbia to reproduce images. Adaptations and reproductions of this content may require special permission.

Lab 16: Measuring and Analyzing Slope

Figure 16.11 Example EX2.2. iMap screen capture of ski run named Fuzzy at Kimberley Alpine Resort © DataBC, Province of British Columbia

Figure 16.12 Example EX2.3. Four natural slope breaks along the ski run Fuzz at Kimberley Alpine Resort © DataBC, Province of British Columbia

Lab 20: Water Cycle and Water Resources

Figure 20.1 iMap screen capture of the location of Nicomekl River Watershed © DataBC, Province of British Columbia

Figure 20.7 iMap screen capture of the Water usage within the Nicomekl watershed © DataBC, Province of British Columbia

Pacific Northwest Seismic Network (PNSN) (Lab 18)

Screencaps from the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network are used with permission. Anyone wishing to adapt or reproduce these images may wish to verify that the permission still applies to their new work.

Figure 18.3 Epicentres of notable earthquakes in the Pacific Northwest from 1997 to 2019 © Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

Figure 18.4 Cross-section showing depth and magnitude of notable earthquakes © Pacific Northwest Seismic Network

BC Watertool (Lab 20)

BC Watertool screenshots contain mapping information from DataBC that is licensed under an All Rights Reserved license. Permission for use has been provided by the Province of British Columbia. If re-using this content in a different application, or redistributing it, separate permission may be required.

Figure 20.2 Precipitation data from White Rock climate station 1108910 © Foundry Spatial

Figure 20.3 Streamflow in Nicomekl River at Station 08MH155 © Foundry Spatia

Figure 20.4 Groundwater levels at BC Obs Well 353 © Foundry Spatial

Other Terms of Use

Figures 3.1, 3.2, and 3.4: Permission has been granted by EarthWindMap for licensing of these images as CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Figure 10.3 right Soil ped with mottles © Weil and Brady is reproduced with permission from R. Weil and Pearson Education.

Figure 15.11. Bitterroot Loop clipped from Rose Valley Regional Park kiosk information © Regional District of Central Okanagan is used with permission


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Laboratory Manual for Introduction to Physical Geography, Second Edition Copyright © 2021 by Saoirse MacKinnon; Chani Welch; Katie Burles; Crystal Huscroft; Nina Hewitt; Gillian Krezoski; Andrew Perkins; Leonard Tang; Terence Day; Craig Nichol; Todd Redding; Allison Lutz; Ian Saunders; and Fes de Scally is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.