
Chapter 17: Research Methods in the Real World

Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Evaluation research is research that is conducted to assess the effects of specific programs or policies.
  • Market research is research that is conducted for the purpose of guiding business and other organizations as they make decisions about how best to sell, improve, or promote a product or service.
  • Sociologists are employed in many research areas. Some of the most common ones include: evaluation research, market research, and policy and other government research.
  • Action research is conducted by researchers who wish to create some form of social change. It is often conducted by teams of interdisciplinary researchers.
  • One of the positive consequences of public sociology is that the discipline has become more visible and more accessible to much broader audiences than in the past. Having a background in sociological research methods can help you read, make sense of, discuss, and share the research findings you encounter.
  • Having a background in social science research methodology provides you with a number of transferable skills. Having a background in social science research methodology gives you the opportunity to gain greater insight into yourself, your circumstances, and your world.


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