
Test Your Knowledge

  1. Name the 6 C’s of sales approach.
  2. Identify one way of demonstrating active listening
  3. What is the 70/30 rule of active listening?
  4. What is an elevator pitch and why it is important in a sales approach?
  5. What are the main approaches to use in a sales presentation?
  6. Describe an effective email approach.
  7. List opening lines you should avoid in a sales approach.
  8. What is a gatekeeper?


  1. Confidence, collaboration, communication,
  2. Eye contact, lean forward, take notes, and repeat key points to check for understanding.
  3. You should be listening 70 percent of the time and asking questions 30 percent of the time to engage the prospect.
  4. An elevator pitch is a concise description of a product, service, project, or person that should take no longer than the average elevator ride. It’s an important part of the sales approach because it is a good way to give your prospect an overview and get conversation started.
  5. Question, product, referral, customer benefit, survey, agenda and premium.
  6. Personalized e-mails that address a prospect’s needs can be very effective. An e-mail should be well written and interesting to read and include proper spelling and grammar.
  7. “Would you be interested in saving money?”; “You’re probably a busy person, so I promise I’m not about to waste your time”; “I just happened to be in the area visiting another customer so I thought I’d drop by”; and “I’ve heard that you’ve been having trouble in your customer service department.”
  8. The secretary or assistant whose job it is to screen calls or “guard” the entrance to an executive’s office. It’s the person you have to do through first before seeing your prospect.


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