
Module 2: Conclusion

In summary

At its core, this module puts forward an argument for climate adaptation communications and engagement approaches that consider the unique psychological impacts that this work has on those who lead these efforts and on those who participate in them. This module also recognizes that there is no single approach or method that can prevent audiences, community members, coalition partners or practitioners themselves from enacting protective and defensive responses when faced with the difficult truths of climate change.

However, with greater literacy about these defensive responses, their psychological origins and about the resources available for consciously and empathetically working with them, practitioners can continue to evolve and grow this work in directions that will hopefully make it more meaningful and responsive to the needs of this field.

A note on the readings

The readings for this module, many of which are also cited in the notes above, provide a variety of responses to and views on questions around grief and the psychology of climate change. They intentionally span the personal and professional, with the assumption that different lenses and entry points into the conversation will be more and less relevant for learners in this course.

While there might be a tendency to jump to the readings that offer tactical ‘solutions,’ it is worth spending time with those that invite you as a practitioner into the depth of your own experience. This invitation comes with the recognition that many of you might be working in organizations or contexts in which this kind of reflection is less common, familiar or comfortable. However, building a strong foundation within yourself as a practitioner is a key part of skilful and effective dialogue and engagement practices, as we will continue to explore in upcoming modules.


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