

オープン・テキストブックは動的なプロジェクトです。関連する出版物の追加や URL のリンク切れなどの修正、また読者からの各章へのコメントを毎日のように追加しています。


1. 19 April 2015: Podcast for Scenario A added

2. 3 May 2015: Podcasts added to Chapter 1 on the book’s structure and on skills development, and the order of Sections 3 and 4 of Chapter 1 reversed, following reader feedback.

3. 16 August 2015: Podcasts added to Chapter 2 on why this chapter is important and on the relationship between epistemology, learning theories and teaching methods added.

4. 17 August 2015: Podcast added to Chapter 3 on why a chapter on campus-based teaching methods was needed.

5. 23 August 2015: Podcasts added to Chapter 4, on the relationship between quality, modes of delivery, teaching methods and design and on some of the issues raised in this chapter. Also some editing of the text to clarify the distinction between teaching methods and design models.

6. 6 October 2015: Podcasts added to Chapter 5, on why there’s a whole chapter on MOOCs, and on a vision for MOOCs in the future.

7. 6 October 2015: Podcast added to Chapter 6, on the unique contribution of these chapters to media selection and use

8. 17 May 2016: Culture and learning environments added as Appendix 1, Section A.9. Former Section A.9 now A.10.

10. 16 April 2019. Bonus webinar (60 min) “Rethinking the Purpose of Online Learning” Tony Bates presentation to Royal Roads University. オンライン学習の目的を再考する(英語版)


クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-非営利 4.0 国際 ライセンスのアイコン

Copyright © 2020 『日本語版』, 2015 Anthony William (Tony) Batesの「デジタル時代の教育」は、特に断りのない限り、クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示-非営利 4.0 国際 ライセンスに規定される著作権利用許諾条件。
