
Chapter 2 – Archaeology and Yukon’s First Peoples

Suggested Readings

Suggested Readings

To read other creation stories by Elders Mrs. Angela Sidney, Mrs. Kitty Smith and Mrs. Rachel Dawson see My Stories are My Wealth edited by Julie Cruikshank  (Council for Yukon Indians, Whitehorse, Yukon Territory 1979). Although there is no specific archaeology journal in the territory, research in Yukon is often published in the journal Arctic, the Alaska Journal of Anthropology and Arctic Anthropology. For a general overview of Beringia and the peopling of the new world, see Ted Goebel and Ian Buvit (eds.) “Introducing the Archaeological Record of Beringia” in From the Yenisei to the Yukon (Texas A&M University Press, College Station 2011).

Significant Yukon archaeological research was conducted in the mid- to late-twentieth century. These works include: Investigations in Southwest Yukon, Volumes 1 and 2 by Frederick Johnson, Hugh M. Raup, and Richard MacNeish (Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts 1964); William Workman’s Prehistory of the Aishihik-Kluane Area, Southwest Yukon Territory (National Museum of Man Mercury Series, Ottawa 1978); Ray Le Blanc’s The Rat Indian Creek Site and the Late Prehistoric Contact Period in the Interior Northern Yukon (National Museum of Man Mercury Series, Ottawa 1984); Greg Hare’s Holocene Occupations in the Southern Yukon: New Perspectives from the Annie Lake Site (Government of Yukon, Whitehorse 1995); and Donald Clark’s Fort Reliance: An Archaeological Assessment (Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec 1995).

Other publications of interest include Donald Clark’s chapter “Prehistory of the Western Subarctic” in Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 6, Subarctic, edited by June Helm (Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1981); Clark’s Western Subarctic Prehistory (Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec 1991); and Max Friesen’s chapter “Inuvialuit Archaeology” in Herschel Island Qikiqtaryuk: A Natural and Cultural History of Yukon’s Arctic Island, edited by Christopher Burn (University of Calgary Press, Calgary 2012).

For further study of projectile point sequences in the northwestern part of North America, see Projectile Point Sequences in Northwestern North America, edited by Roy L. Carlson and Martin P. R. Magne, particularly Chapter 18 by Gregory Hare, Thomas Hammer, and Ruth Gotthardt, titled “The Yukon Projectile Point Database,” and Chapter 19 by Norman Easton and Glen MacKay, titled “Early Bifaces from the Little John Site KdVo-6 and KdVo-7” (Archaeology Press, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby 2008).

The article “Cultural Landscapes, Past and Present, and the South Yukon Ice Patches” by Sheila Greer and Diane Strand describes an example in which Indigenous governments are working together to manage and interpret their cultural heritage (Arctic, 2012). Yukon government’s website for the Archaeology Program provides guidelines for archaeological work in the territory and links to legislation and policies. Also available on the website are links to Yukon government heritage publications. Many of these are co-authored with First Nation communities. The website includes full texts of community archaeology booklets (e.g. Hare and Gotthardt 1996) and theses pertaining to Yukon archaeological research (Yukon Government Heritage Publications).

An excellent and thorough book on Kwädąy Dän Ts’ìnchį is Kwädąy Dän Ts’ìnchį: Teachings from Long Ago Person Found. This volume is a terrific example of collaborative work between different governments, First Nation communities and scientists (Hebda et al. 2017).


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ECHO: Ethnographic, Cultural and Historical Overview of Yukon's First Peoples Copyright © 2020 by Victoria Elena Castillo; Christine Schreyer; and Tosh Southwick is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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