Chapter 4 – Yukon First Nations’ Relationship with Newcomers
Learning Objectives
- Describe the significance of the Royal Proclamation on Indigenous peoples’ land rights in Canada.
- Explain the significance of the 1969 White Paper: Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy.
- Identify Indigenous population figures for Yukon, prior to, and after colonization.
- Critically evaluate the emergence of the early Yukon fur and whaling trade.
- Describe the role of Indigenous peoples during the 19th-century gold rushes.
- Identify and explain the consequences of having missionaries, and the residential and day school systems, in Yukon.
- Explain the difference between big-game provisioning hunting and sport hunting in the early 20th century and how this affected Indigenous peoples.
- Identify and explain the consequences of Federal Government imposed policies on the traditional lifeways of Yukon’s Indigenous communities.
- Explain the consequences of the building of the Alaska Highway on Indigenous communities.
- Describe the emergence of the land claim movement in Yukon.
- Identify some current historians and historical archaeologists and their collaborators.