
Food Security, Climate Change, and COVID – ACARN and CAI Programs addressing climate change and agricultural adaptation in the Okanagan (video)

CAI Programs addressing climate change and agricultural adaptation in the Okanagan 

Please view the first lecture in the following YouTube Video. This Webinar series is over one hour long and goes over the total required viewing time of 20 minutes. However, there are two other speakers in this webinar, and if you have time, please have a listen to my colleagues who discuss climate change and the research they are conducting here in the Okanagan for food producers.


  • A Food System in Crisis: Climate Change, COVID 19, and Opportunities for Change – The entire video is not required viewing but viewing the first Lecturer is. Please listen to the first speaker Kent Mullinex. This lecture series is extremely interesting and beneficial to understanding climate change and agricultural adaptation in B.C. so if you do have time, please listen to each speaker. Many of the statistics and theories that I discuss in the previous module are reiterated in this first video.  

The total viewing time is 1:02:47 

  1. Kent Mullinex– A social sciences response to climate change, food security, and Covid. Required
  2. Kirsten Hannem – Climate change, Covid, water systems, and food security (Optional)
  3. Sean Smuckler – Farm-level resilience and Covid (Optional)

Your viewing should provide the basis for your substantive question and your response to other questions. 



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Food & Water Security Copyright © by Dr. Joanne Taylor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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