
Module 1 Guided Reflection – What does Food Security mean to you?

Module 1 Guided Reflection

Traditionally, reflections were recorded in a journal and submitted to the instructor on paper at the end of the course. However, since this is an online course, your reflections can be embedded within Canvas for me to read as we progress through this course. You may want to compose this offline and then cut and paste it in.

The questions below are only intended to guide you through your reflections, so you do not necessarily need to address these topics. These are suggestions but I ask that you do stay on the course topics for your reflections. You may pick one of the topics below and discuss it thoroughly or you may come up with your own questions pertaining to what we have learned in this module.

Challenge yourself to think critically about the above theories and concepts. You may do your own research following the introduction to these (new?) concepts also. These reflections are private and only to be read between you and me and will remain as such throughout the course.

I do not require a minimum or maximum word count as that is usually not required when sharing your inner-most thoughts about the various topics you will reflect upon. I will leave that up to you.

Guided Reflection Theme Suggestions:

  • What does food security mean to you?
  • What does food sovereignty mean to you and how are the two concepts different and or related?
  • How have your understandings about food, food security, food sovereignty, and food insecurity changed and or challenged your assumptions?
  • How has your understanding of Indigenous Food Sovereignty affected your understanding of Food Security and Food Insecurity?
  • Do you believe that Indigenous Food Sovereignty can have a positive and sustainable effect on the environment and the way we procure food?
  • What are the moral implications for considering Indigenous food systems in Canada? What does community food security mean for you?
  • In Dr. Valerie Tarasuk’s interview, how have the statistics she shares on food insecurity serve to confirm or challenge your previous notions of food security and food insecurity, and especially Indigenous food insecurity? How do these lived realities for others who live with constant food deprivation affect you as you supply your own food and food security?


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Food & Water Security Copyright © by Dr. Joanne Taylor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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