
Module 2 Discussion: Substantive Question and Answer

Module 2 Discussion

Following the first Discussion Activity in Module One, the goal of this exercise is the foster a supportive learning environment together by engaging in relevant topics of learning. Through deeper discussion and analytical frameworks of questioning and critical examination, please address one of the following questions. These are meant to be guides and I encourage you to contribute your own questions as well.

  1. Looking at the Mini Lecture, What is Water Security, as outlined in the United Nations Water – World Water Days 2013 info-graphic on the mini-lecture page directly below the video, one of the cornerstones of water security is Good Governance. There is a short definition of this topic along with the other cornerstones of Transboundary Cooperation, Peace and Political Stability, and lastly Financing. If you are interested or specialize in any of these topics, either in your profession or your daily life, I would be interested to hear your opinion and questions related to any one of these four cornerstone topics.
  2. As you listen to the video at the 1:51 mark in the video, it makes reference to the infographic. It explains Agriculture is by far the largest water consumer along with energy production. What kind of agriculture is being discussed here? Is it large-scale, industrial production? Or is it small-scale agricultural production? Do you believe there is a difference in water consumption by these two methods of food production? What is your opinion of the two types of food production? Don’t forget that food production falls on a continuum and there are not just two production styles but many along the entire production spectrum.
  3. Can you think of places or peoples whose water security is marginalized right here in Canada? Can you discuss why this is happening in a country that is ostensibly well developed, modern, educated, democratic, and fair?
  4. What are some of the ways that agriculture, food security, and ecosystem function can be reconciled in BC, as indicated in the Okanagan Case Study provided in the previous reading in the BC Agriculture and Climate Change Regional Adaptation Strategies PDF and related mini-lecture – Local Water Security in the Okanagan
  5. As discussed in the mini-lecture “Local Water Security and Agriculture in the Okanagan”, there are a variety of local ecozones that are conducive to agriculture. And yet because of this, adapting to water challenges is difficult, especially when various crops are grown specifically to an ecozone. How do farmers adapt to the various climatic events when so much of what they produce is dependent on the market, and consumer preferences, which ensures that farmers have a viable livelihood and can contribute to the local economy and community? When such a large part of our local economy is dependent on the agricultural sector, how do farmers adapt quickly to extreme weather events?
  6. As stated in my mini-lecture, are the various municipal initiatives enough to help farmers adapt to climate change? What do you feel would work more effectively to help farmers adapt even more quickly in the face of climate change, currently and projected?


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